Phone: 01582 667000 | Email:
Active specialises in the demolition of structures and plant dismantling in the most challenging of environments. We undertake conventional, remote and top-down, cut-and-carve demolition. We have a proven track record of working on listed buildings and live public interfacing environments.
Active has extensive experience in every type of demolition, including:
By utilising a combination of various dismantling techniques, our skilled workforce can recover your assets from a single machine to portal frame buildings for re-use. We co-ordinate and execute complex dismantling projects within critical time restraints. Planning, co-ordination and execution are all tailored to individual client needs.
Our highly trained teams can co-ordinate and execute complex dismantling projects within critical time restraints. Planning, co-ordination and execution are all tailored to the individual client.
By utilising a combination of various dismantling techniques, our skilled workforce can recover your assets from a single machine to portal frame buildings for re-use.
Our highly trained teams can co-ordinate and execute complex dismantling projects within critical time restraints. Planning, co-ordination and execution are all tailored to the individual client.
Active’s Soft Strip Division provide cutting edge solutions for recycling and sustainability. The soft strip process is where the existing building is stripped of all soft furnishings, non-load-bearing partitions, mechanical and electrical equipment, floor coverings and soffits to the physical structure prior to the demolition/dismantling or refurbishment of the building.
Before any strip out services take place our specialist team will assess the property’s structural design ascertaining any unforeseen elements such as asbestos or structural difficulties.
All material is waste managed as per classifications defined by the Environmental Agency and, wherever possible, delivered to designated recycling streams.
With an increasing desire to retain the heritage of buildings, temporary works has become an important part of any demolition project. Active provide a responsive and cost-effective service, working closely with engineers and architects. Active has experience in every type of temporary works design including:
With an increasing desire to retain the heritage of buildings, temporary works has become an important part of any demolition project. Active provide a responsive and cost-effective service, working closely with engineers and architects. Active has experience in every type of temporary works design including:
Midlands Head Office
Phone: 01582 667000
South East Office
Phone: 01959 569946
Greater London Office
Phone: 01582 667000
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